This is a Journal entry by

Goodness Me!

Post 1

Researcher 159112

I had no idea I'd been Not Around for so long! Glad to see everything's still here. I am in the middle of my end-of-1st-year exams at Uni. In fact I have one tomorrow, eeeek! I am also on a coffee high smiley - biggrin I have decided to be Around More from now on smiley - smiley

Goodness Me!

Post 2


Good luck with the exam smiley - smiley

TK[1]smiley - pirate

Goodness Me!

Post 3

Researcher 159112

thank you! smiley - smiley It's an afternoon one, so I get time to do some work in the morning, that is if I can get to sleep soonish after all this coffeeeeeeee! smiley - biggrin

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