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I've done it again

Post 1

Researcher 159112

More being Not Around. Oops. Time flies.
Now I have more exams smiley - sadface

I've done it again

Post 2


Best of luck with these exams

I've done it again

Post 3

Researcher 159112

the exams I'm doing no work for? thank you smiley - smiley

I've done it again

Post 4


I'm wasting time too now. procrastination is the best way to fail exams. i've always been good at wasting time. smiley - winkeye

I've done it again

Post 5

Researcher 159112

Don't waste time. And don't fail your exams - I need you in the choir smiley - tongueout

I've done it again

Post 6


I can't keep a rhythm properly unless i think it's got the right tempo. I'm also concious that I tend to go flat. That's not really what you want on the Bass line.

I've done it again

Post 7


Funny- I just happen to catch one of your fleeting visits when I happen to be on one of my fleeting visits...

Good luck with the exams smiley - smiley

I've done it again

Post 8

Researcher 159112

Cheers, hope you're having fun whatever you're up to now smiley - hug I must catch up with the new smileys...!

I've done it again

Post 9

Researcher 159112

I'd say you have good rhythm smiley - tongueout

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