This is a Journal entry by Spartus

So here's the deal (Part II)

Post 1


The phone is now on. Amazingly, shockingly, yes, yes it is. When you pick up a receiver, you get a dialtone and EVERYthing like that. Makes me feel nearly normal.

Here's the problem: the modem, whether it was bored from disuse, shocked beyond belief that there was a real, live dialtoney phone line plugged into, or committed suicide months ago, decided to stop working.

I think it angered the computer, too, 'cause it doesn't notice it anymore. Maybe it was a love affair gone sour...who knows? The end result is the computer is pretty much a really big solitaire-playing machine until the problem is solved. The problem, likely, would be solved by buying a shiny new modem, a step I really didn't want to take, because I want DSL and I want it soon, and spending some money on a new modem for a month's use of the thing before I take it and gaily chuck it out the window isn't really in our budget.

Then again, food really isn't in our budget either, but we keeping buying that, too.

Enter a phone call from Mom today. We had decided, at best, we'd buy the same-model modem we already have, if we could, use the install disk, as the install disk to ours is conspicuously missing, then return the modem we'd just bought with a "Sorry, wouldn't work with our machine", which, if you want to pick nits, is technically true. I really don't think the new modem would work alongside the old, now-functioning one. I mean, if you wanted to get semantic about it, or just rationalize. Whichever.

But I seem to have digressed. Mom called this morning, modem in hand from who knows where, offering to mail it to us. Actually, no. Offering to Federal Express it to us, so we can get online from home again. Finally. Provided I get home today and the computer hasn't melted down from sheer boredom over the last six months or so.

Plus, once I can get online from home, the other job starts more or less immediately, since I'm working from home for a friend of the family.

So things are looking up. smiley - smiley

So here's the deal (Part II)

Post 2


YAY!!! smiley - smiley Not much else to say really smiley - winkeye

So here's the deal (Part II)

Post 3

Classic Krissy


Oh, and "We like Spartus' mom!"...

she of the modem-providing type. smiley - smiley

So here's the deal (Part II)

Post 4

beetle, return of

Now it's time to get down to buisness.

First order of buisness, find some buisness.

So here's the deal (Part II)

Post 5

Cheezdanish, Slacker Princess

Monkey business, knowin' you two... smiley - winkeye

So here's the deal (Part II)

Post 6

beetle, return of

Already done.

So here's the deal (Part II)

Post 7

Classic Krissy

Stuffy business.

So here's the deal (Part II)

Post 8


Well, it nearly is cold and flu season...

So here's the deal (Part II)

Post 9

Classic Krissy

My mom is "Mucas Mom" right now.

So here's the deal (Part II)

Post 10


Does she have a CAPE? Or a MASK???

She could trap criminals by encasing them in goo.

So here's the deal (Part II)

Post 11

Classic Krissy

She has a blankie and she stops criminals by grossing them into immobility.

So here's the deal (Part II)

Post 12


She could fling sharp, snot-hardened tissues at people, too. Like snot ninja stars. smiley - smiley

So here's the deal (Part II)

Post 13

Classic Krissy

She could even have some sort of super-gun called "The Atomic Booger-Flinger"

So here's the deal (Part II)

Post 14

Cheezdanish, Slacker Princess

And her Kryptonite would be zinc and echenacia... smiley - smiley

So here's the deal (Part II)

Post 15


Who would her sidekick be?

So here's the deal (Part II)

Post 16


Ooh! And her nemesis could be Cough Syrup Man!

So here's the deal (Part II)

Post 17

Classic Krissy

Phlem Girl?

Mucus Mom and Phlem Girl!


Loogie Lad!

Mucus Mom and Loogie Lad!

So here's the deal (Part II)

Post 18


Erm.... *says nothing* smiley - winkeye

So here's the deal (Part II)

Post 19

beetle, return of

*has a cup of tea*

So here's the deal (Part II)

Post 20

Classic Krissy

*waits for the non-boring people who actually have an OPINION to add* smiley - winkeye

*pokes Ant and Beetle enthusiastically*

You can't just show up and not say anything.. it makes me feel stupid.

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