This is a Journal entry by HighTekVagabond

Alone with a Slow song

Post 1


I saw a band called "Power of Ten" last night, they are a 10 peice band with alot of blues and Jazz influance. It was very powerful music, and when they played the slow songs that would cause couples to wrap thier arms around each other and dance slow I realized how alone I was. The music reached into my soul and pulled at my heart, I wanted to be part of it, I wanted to feel it throughout me, and I wanted to share it with someone else. Dana and Heather were dancing, Scott and Betsy were dancing. I was alone with my drink, an outsider ever watching.

I know that it was my own choices in life that brought me to where I am but sometimes it is hard to swallow those choices.

Alone with a Slow song

Post 2

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

The last party I went to, when the DJ put the last track on, VERYONE got up to slow-dance, and I was alone.
The DJ came over & asked me to dance, so I slow-danced with him.
He was large, sweaty, smoked, but I was grateful, though the pitying looks I got from my friends were just as bad...smiley - sadface
*hugs again*

Alone with a Slow song

Post 3


It is funny how when you experiance those feelings you believe you are all alone in the galaxy, that noone else has ever felt them and they are new to the universe. Even more so when you find out you were wrong.

Alone with a Slow song

Post 4

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

It's funny that I happened to choose your journal to read, {out of over 60,000 Researchers} and I knew *exactly* what you were feeling, because I'd felt it myself...don't you think? By the way, you ~do~ know that anything you publish on h2g2 is not private, anyone can add to the conversation/journal/thread, at any time...I found that a little disconcerting at first but I am used to it now. I didn't want you to think I was rude, reading your jouralsmiley - winkeye

Alone with a Slow song

Post 5


Not rude in the least, I was happy to see a reply, and yes, I'm very aware of the public nature of this place. smiley - smiley

Alone with a Slow song

Post 6

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Greatsmiley - winkeye

Alone with a Slow song

Post 7


Although it is a might disconcerting that it's not even possible to have a private conversation with someone on here. You can't even give someone your email address so that you can go to there without giving it to the world..... but such is life.

Alone with a Slow song

Post 8

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Well this is a community sitesmiley - smiley
And my email address is in full view on my homepagesmiley - winkeye
I don't worry about unsolicited email as I have a "delete" buttonsmiley - bigeyes

Alone with a Slow song

Post 9


heh, I delete on the order of 50 unsolicted emails a day because my job gives me high visibility for spammers, I like to keep that number down. smiley - smiley

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