This is a Journal entry by Giguschild - Xenomorph(Muse of Honourable Death...and Mu.)


Post 1

Giguschild - Xenomorph(Muse of Honourable Death...and Mu.)

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See my art homepage?

Post 2


Didn't see anything. You have to be more specific with the URL.
Here, have a chocolate-fish smiley - fish



Post 3

Giguschild - Xenomorph(Muse of Honourable Death...and Mu.)

This post has been removed.

See my art homepage?

Post 4


Now it did smiley - smiley

See my art homepage?

Post 5

soeasilyamused, or sea

[sea] very nice! you're pretty talented. and assuming that giguschild looks like that alien drawing... he's a lot scarier that i thought! smiley - biggrin


Post 6

Giguschild - Xenomorph(Muse of Honourable Death...and Mu.)

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