This is a Journal entry by Brahm Danger

Tip of the Iceberg

Post 1

Brahm Danger

I started my journey around the world off cold, clammy and hungry. My first stop was a small californian town called Santa Maria. It was raining and I stepped off the plane directly into a deep puddle of muddy water. After drying myself off with my trusty blue towel I reached the terminal only to find that the plane I was to transfer to had yet to arrive and wasn't expected for a good many hours.
I decided to make the best of the situation so I meandered my way over to the airport bar. It was filled with a good many raging alchoholics who had obviously been in town to long. After a few drinks and a few to many games of pool, the drunks deppressing attitudes had started to get me down. I slipped out and carrying my coat I was about to step outside for a smoke when a soft voice came over the loudspeaker. It spouted off a good many delays and then proceeded to inform me that Flight 343 , the one I was to board, had landed and was preparing to take off. I quickly snapped up my backpack and rushed through the terminal to the boarding ramp.
I made it by the skin of my nose and was able to obtain a nice window seat in coach from which I am writing this article. I am currently headed for the great U.S. state of Alaska. I hope to make another entry soon.

-Brahm Danger Amott

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Tip of the Iceberg

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