This is a Journal entry by Steve The Lad

God i despise mustard.

Post 1

Steve The Lad

Just located this guide, bout time there was an earth edition, still its a little way off being the masterpiece out of ursa minor. Thinking to myself, gosh, mustard isnt at all that nice really and wondering what i can do about it, thinking "not eating mustard" would be too easy, disguising it as jam and thouroughly confusing my capacity to tell what it is im eating at all seems the best solution. More on this at some future stage.

God i despise mustard.

Post 2


Hello Steve the Lad! I am Abi - I quite like mustard actually but there you go!

Welcome to h2g2. Are you finding your way round ok?

God i despise mustard.

Post 3


and one of the best sarnies in the world is a cheese sandwich (make sure it is a good strong cheddar, or similar) with jam, dijon mustard and black peppar mixed alltogether smiley - smiley Delish smiley - smiley Until later....
BCNU - Crescent

God i despise mustard.

Post 4


Crescent as fond as I am of you that sounds horrible! smiley - winkeye

God i despise mustard.

Post 5

Steve The Lad

Hello Abi, yes everything is where it should be, and im terribly glad i found this place, i've been a fan of the Guide for many years (i even carry a towel with me everywhere i go) so i was positively delighted to finally grace its pages with my presence.

God i despise mustard.

Post 6

Steve The Lad

A little more on the mustard side of everything. Having now voiced my distaste for the substance and my plans to alter its taste something has to be done about it, who knows anything about genetic engineering?

God i despise mustard.

Post 7


Hee smiley - smiley Just give it a try Abi - not too much mustard, not too much peppar, but well mixed into the jam smiley - smiley M'mmmmmm smiley - smiley Steve, I know about genetic engineering, but mustard is off limits smiley - smiley Until later....
BCNU - Crescent

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