This is a Journal entry by GreeboTrill

Hey! I'm having a bad day

Post 1


Have you ever had a day when you felt the urge to strangle folks for being utter morons? I'm having one of those today. Just thought I'd put fingers to keyboard and put it down.

People suck! It's why I have pets.


Hey! I'm having a bad day

Post 2

Courtney Patron Saint of Social Embarassment

I agree completely Greebo Trill. I had one of those days on Monday. I hope today is better for you. smiley - smiley BTW have you met Greebo th Cat?

Hey! I'm having a bad day

Post 3

Eddy Fate

GT and I have been having a number of days like that. Hopefully this week will put itself out of our misery soon, and we can get on with really froody things like... well, like things best not discussed in front of children. smiley - smiley

- Eddy Fate

Hey! I'm having a bad day

Post 4


Thanks for the note of encouragement. I have not had the priviledge of meeting Mr. T. Cat but I'll have to to look them up.

C Ya!

The Greebster

Hey! I'm having a bad day

Post 5


You too? I can't believe we are talking on line and you are about 2 feet behind me.


Hey! I'm having a bad day

Post 6


blargh. At least yout teeth all work the way they are supposed to.

Hey! I'm having a bad day

Post 7


Hey.. We tried to get your tooth fixed. The string and doorknob option are still open.


Hey! I'm having a bad day

Post 8


lets exhaust other options the dog chain and the car bumper idea....


Hey! I'm having a bad day

Post 9


We'll start with the Cocker Spaniel next door.


Hey! I'm having a bad day

Post 10


Bow wow wow - yippie yo yippie yay...

Bow wow wow.

Bow wow wow.



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