This is a Journal entry by aGuyCalledPaff

Down a snake

Post 1


[ "Journal entries that you can snigger at" - 2 in a series ]

In RL I've been working towards something over the past few weeks. It's been like playing snakes and ladders, and has been going quite well. I've been up some snakes, as well as rolling a couple of double sixes. I'd say I'd just reached the top row and was on maybe square number 91. Last night I rolled a 1 and landed on that snake that takes you all the way down to the start.

smiley - sadfacePaff

Down a snake

Post 2

aka Bel - A87832164

I'm sorry to hear this. smiley - hug

Whatever it is, don't let it get the better of you. smiley - cheerup

Down a snake

Post 3

Skankyrich [?]

smiley - sadface

Look on the bright side, mate. At least you're still on the board <cheerup?

Would an smiley - ale help? Only if I start giving you smiley - hugs, people will start to talk...

Down a snake

Post 4


Yes, an smiley - ale will do nicely, as I've had a smiley - hug from Bel.

I won't be letting it get me down for long. Just got to keep in the game and keep rolling the dice.

Down a snake

Post 5

Skankyrich [?]

That's it, mate. Just keep rolling and, to mix a metaphor, something will stick eventually. I've said elsewhere that it's taken me five years of plugging away to get beyond false horizons, and hopefully you haven't slipped back as far as you think.

You've got my email address if there's ever anything you want to get off your chest half-anonymously smiley - smiley

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