This is a Journal entry by aGuyCalledPaff
Dog Observations: The back door (2 in a series)
aGuyCalledPaff Started conversation Jan 25, 2007
It's all about routine with dogs: When I go out and play with the dog, we go out the back door. We play in the garden. We chase the frisbee. We run round the house. Stuff like that... Routine.
When I feed him, I take him out for quick wee first, and we go out the side door. It's usually around the same time each day. Then we come in. He gets a bit excited. He sits down. I get the food out. He waits. He waits. He eats... Routine.
So what happens if, for once, I take the dog out the _back_ door for his quick wee before dinner? Well, he goes loopy: It's the back door, which means we're going to run about, aren't we?
But it's just before dinner, so we're coming straight back in to get excited and sit down and wait for our food, aren't we?
So he does both things. Runs round in a circle, comes straight back and sits down to come in, then runs round in a circle, then comes straight back, then runs round...
Me and the missus almost wet ourselves laughing. The dog almost wet himself with the excitement.
Dog Observations: The back door (2 in a series)
I'm not really here Posted Jan 26, 2007
Aww, there's nothing like a dog to cheer yourself up!
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Dog Observations: The back door (2 in a series)
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