This is a Journal entry by Marvinia Paranoia

Life, love and everything

Post 1

Marvinia Paranoia

I want to know what other researchers think about love. Is there such a thing as a soulmate? Is that bunk? Chemistry? Psychology?Mathematics? Does each person get at least one chance to find true love in each lifetime? Or are we just wandering around colliding randomly across the universe? If so, how do we make it more satisfying? In other words, does love truly stink? Somebody tell me why the master computer-creator would make men and women so different, wanting completely different things out of each other and then put them on the same planet to try to work things out? A BIG JOKE on us, I think. Laughing their asses off, I bet. Anyone care to comment?

Life, love and everything

Post 2


What if you think you met your soulmate, but let the moment slip away? What if you're still wondering about them years later, and wondering if they're wondering about you?smiley - bigeyes

There is a theory that men and women evolved from two distinct and seperate species (hence the 'missing link' in our ancestory), and eventually, through a malformity, necessity, or both, began to interbreed. I fully subscribe to this theory.smiley - winkeye


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Life, love and everything

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