This is a Journal entry by vegidolphin

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Post 1


well they made up their minds alright. too bad. today was awful. my chemistry teacher expects us to read her mind in regard to this big stupid project we're doing, our school had a blood drive (for no one except the seniors and the teachers) so we didn't have gym, my english teacher supposedly spent 2 hours on the blood table and to top it all off, the language witch is giving a test tomorrow. then i missed my train, got home late, had lots of homework to do and my mother drags us off to go buy a sleeper couch. just what i always wanted. yeah right.
joy to the world, the world is dead, what happened to the body?i flushed it down the potty!
i wish volleyball wasn't ending. i wish it was already over. i love it, but it takes up soo much time! i wish i had more time to do what i want instead of what i "have to" do. such is life. sometimes the day could use a few more hours.

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