This is a Journal entry by Chalaza

Spring Cleaning

Post 1


Snow is melting everywhere.
The motivation finally strikes me and I'm awake. "Look at this mess!" I said, sounding shocked.
Sifting through mounds of paper, mostly art by the girls.
I'm editing like a mad woman, trying to decide what to keep and what to toss!
I came across two very large spiders in my storage closet. My closet opening has a two foot width and a three foot height. The spiders were happily nestled in the top left corner. They were tangle web spiders.
I'm afraid of spiders, yet I know how valuable they are in the eco-balance of it all!
So I had a little chat with them and we all decided that they were not a threat to my body, just my fear. I still kept my head down, so as not to drag their lair in my hair!
I considered calling the local University for an entymologist to come on over and use them for science. I thought it over and figured they can lurk in there all they like.
I won't have a need to be in that closet anytime soon!
Yes, spiders still creep me out...

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Spring Cleaning

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