This is a Journal entry by Effers;England.

Who killed Schrodinger's pussy?

Post 1


It had to be something this funny for me to finally do a journal entry.

With many thanks to Edward Bonobo for pointing me to this.

Who killed Schrodinger's pussy?

Post 2


smiley - biggrin

Technically that should be, 'in yur quantum box.. maybe'

smiley - winkeye

Who killed Schrodinger's pussy?

Post 3


I love cats as much as I love philosophy, so this is the perfect combination for me.

I have a 17 year old cat which I love to bits. But it's all a bit Schrodinger's cat for me every morning, when I go into the kitchen. Mostly she's screaming for food, which is as it should be. But occasionally there's silence, and I have a quick panic. Has she dropped dead from a heart attack or just nipped out the catflap?

smiley - erm

Who killed Schrodinger's pussy?

Post 4

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

Clearly you don't speak lolcat, Tal.

Who killed Schrodinger's pussy?

Post 5


loldog rulez, brah smiley - dog ah iz in yur yard, dign up yur flrz smiley - winkeye

Who killed Schrodinger's pussy?

Post 6

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

'No can has teh buttsecks wif teh mens. (hehe)
No can has teh dogsex. No can has secks wif teh horse. No can do teh goats. Srsly. '

Leviticus 18: 22-23

Who killed Schrodinger's pussy?

Post 7


But.. taht's dat ol tstmnt! taht's meta.. mewta... meowter... lak fabelz, u no? srsly.

Ah laks ths:

11 Lotz of pigz wuz havin fudz ovur on teh hillsydz.12 An teh demunz sed "I can go insied teh pigz, plz?"13 An Jebus wuz liek "O, okai!" an teh demunz went insied teh pigz, and teh pigz ranz in teh water an drownd.

14 Teh gaiz taht wuz watchin teh pigz ranz to teh townz, and dey wuz liek "Hay, gues wut just happend!" and teh peepul went to seez wut happend.15 An wen teh peepz seez Jebus, dey seez teh gai teh demun wuz in, an he wuz fien, an dey wuz skeerd of him.16 Teh peepul taht seez wut happend telld everwun wut happend to teh man an teh pigz.17 An teh peepul wuz liek "Hay, Jebus, cud u leev, plzkthx?" Srsly.

Mark 5 11-17

smiley - winkeye

Who killed Schrodinger's pussy?

Post 8


smiley - laugh

For clucks sakes. I'm so pleased I finally started a journal...

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