This is a Journal entry by Leanne (ACE and Scout)

My Tounge

Post 21


Cheeky! I'll have you know that I'm *not* ginger. [well, not particularly ginger, not like my flame-haired sister]

Hmmph! *sulks*

My Tounge

Post 22

Leanne (ACE and Scout)

Oh Im sorry sweetie I think gingers cute smiley - smiley please don't sulk

My Tounge

Post 23


*Not sulking anymore*

Cute, huh? smiley - smiley
I like that. smiley - smiley

Blonde's good; is it true that you have more fun? smiley - winkeye

My Tounge

Post 24

Leanne (ACE and Scout)

Yes smiley - winkeye it's true we do have more fun!!
Yeah I think gingers cute smiley - smiley

My Tounge

Post 25


Blonde, Blue-eyed and Bouncy... a young man's dream... smiley - winkeye

And that smile, well... what can I say? smiley - bigeyes

My Tounge

Post 26

Leanne (ACE and Scout)

Dont forget the tounge smiley - tongueout
Is that your dream is it?

My Tounge

Post 27


Might be... But that'd be telling... smiley - winkeye

My Tounge

Post 28

Leanne (ACE and Scout)

*gives the sad puppy eyes* ok you dont have to tell me smiley - sadface

My Tounge

Post 29


Ah... you didn't mention the puppy-dog eyes. Now that *is* dreamy... smiley - smiley

Don't be sad... smiley - sadface

My Tounge

Post 30

Leanne (ACE and Scout)

ok I wont be sad.
How do you think I meet guys, a girl cant just rely on good looks big breasts blonde hair and a cute smile you gotta have the big puppy blue eyes works everytime smiley - smiley

My Tounge

Post 31


A perfect combination... Those Swindon lads don't know how lucky they are... smiley - winkeye

My Tounge

Post 32

Leanne (ACE and Scout)

Thats one prob with that though is most of them just want you for one thing and all the decent guys are taken smiley - sadface oh well Ill have to keep my eyes open and hopefully bump into Mr Right.
Nearly time to go home thank god so if I dont hear back b4 I go Ill message you tomorrow smiley - smiley thanks for chatting Nex xxx

My Tounge

Post 33


No Problem. I've got to go home soon too. Well, I guess we'll continue tomorrow... smiley - smiley

Good luck on the search for Mr Right, BTW. If it's any consolation, Miss Right is equally difficult to find. smiley - sadface

My Tounge

Post 34

Leanne (ACE and Scout)

Good luck to you too smiley - smiley Im off home now how exciting sitting in rush hour traffic having to stop at every roundabout and traffic light god I cant wait! Night Night Nex see you tomorrow smiley - winkeye

My Tounge

Post 35

Leanne (ACE and Scout)

Good morning Nex smiley - smiley

My Tounge

Post 36


Howdy Leanne. How's things? smiley - smiley

My Tounge

Post 37

Leanne (ACE and Scout)

Im tired and bored and want to go back to bed smiley - sadface
And how are you this morning

My Tounge

Post 38


Being asked to do the impossible, as per usual. I want to go and watch the Olympics in bed. smiley - sadface
Work's such a pain.
Still, it's nearly the weekend. You got anything planned?

My Tounge

Post 39

Leanne (ACE and Scout)

Not really not much to do here on a weekend just find yourself doing the same thing all the time smiley - sadface
Just gotta be thankful for a sleep in smiley - smiley I wont get up till the afternoon if I get up at all my beds too warm and cosy smiley - sadface I want to go back to bed

My Tounge

Post 40

Lord Sin

SMUDGER!!!!!!!!!!!!..................... SMUGDER!!!!!!!................ smiley - sadface


Have you seen a little green cat with a purple tail come by here?

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