This is a Journal entry by Spaceman Spiff


Post 1

Spaceman Spiff

The club name has been formally changed to IRSS (I'd Rather Stay Single), with a chapter for you more hardcore cookies called IRSC (I'd Rather Stay Celibate). I have to say, our card carrying members have doubled in the last few days, proving my point that a hostile takeover was completely necessary to ensure the club's survival. I and the VP (the lovely Mariana) are currently working out all the kinks in the charter, and we should have things up and running smoothly in no time.


Post 2

JAR (happy to be back, but where's Ping?)

Hello there Spiff!

You seem to know a lot about the going ons in the club called IRSS. Is there any way I can persuade you to reveal some of it's secrets? You see, if it means I can sport a spanking new, exclusive club-membership card (and I have a laminationmachine few meters down the hall), I'd be more that interested in joining....

So, please, indulge me.



No doubt!

Post 3

Spaceman Spiff

HA! always interested in new members.
The club was started a couple of years back, and was taken over by a friend of mine, who until recently, was completely ruining it's reputation. It was originally intended as a sort of central referance place for those disinclined to limiting themselves to one person at a time, encouraging experimentation, success by trial and error. (It was also an excuse for those of us who had, ah... bad luck, so to speak)
Well, this friend of mine managed to turn it into a hard core celebacy group, and remained the only member (I and the others got kicked out by default) until last week, when he was forced to kick himself out.
So now, under new management, and with a new set of rules, IRSS has reclaimed it's original purpose, and we've now got about 25 members (it's only been a week you know, I think thats pretty good) based in San Francisco. So far, the only real benefit is that, yes, you do get to flash a sporty card and claim enlightenment, but, as soon as we grow in size (I've been advertising like mad, if you can't tell) and recognition, I forsee wonderful things like a website and discounts at various coffee places. We're still reworking the charter, if you have any ideas for posted rules they'd be much appreciated.
As for the card, well, its very basic, standard business card size, with a large black skull and crossbones, and I.R.S.S. in red, size 24 underneath. (yes, it's crude, but we are pirates, after all.) Feel free to take creative liberties.
If the only thing you get out of this is the wicked glee that comes with being part of a club, well, thats half the point anyway.


Post 4

Spaceman Spiff

Since I'd Rather Stay Single is quite a mouthful, and slightly geeky, we just call it "iris" (like the colored part of your eye) for short. The celibacy chapter is "irisk"...but since that one doesn't have any members yet theres no one really to call it by name.
As for enlisting new members,
I feel anyone who is willing to carry the card and don the pirate title is pretty much worthy, but execute some judgement...for obvious reasons, those married, or currently in a "serious, committed relationship" are not allowed.

Application for Enrollment

Post 5

JAR (happy to be back, but where's Ping?)

Well, I guess the title says it all. This is the official application. Will the card be mailed to me ( [email protected] ) or will I have to draw it myself using the standards set by you?

In the Post Scriptum, were you allowing any member to enlist new members as they see fit? That would easily make for a rather large club...

I will, however, be hard pressed to make it to any club-meetings so long as they are held in San Fransisco.

Oh well.

Good luck recruiting!

JAR, proud to be single

PS! The skull is a masterpiece. I am already the founder of a very secret pirate-organization. But that's really a secret.

Application for Enrollment

Post 6

Spaceman Spiff would make for a very large club. Entire cities could claim membership....Actually what I was intending was, since I assumed you were not a SF native, if you feel inclined to start your own version wherever it is you are, then you most certainly can.
As for the card, I can send it to you via email, as soon as I get my scanner up...but this may take a few days, or weeks... (I'm just not very technical Im afraid).
I'll also send you any interesting bits of news, etc.
Congratulations, you're in.

Application for Enrollment

Post 7

JAR (happy to be back, but where's Ping?)


I'm looking forward to the card... The Laminationmachine is warming up smiley - winkeye

Starting my own Norwegian chapter? Becoming a sort of underling boss? Have my own underlings? Hm... Yes.... Interesting...

Thanks again, I will keep you informed as to how iris-Norway is going. As soon as all the matierial is available...

uhm... my englkish education never really taught me how to ewnd letters, so I'll try a

"Take care!"


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