This is a Journal entry by AE Hill, Mabin-OGion Character of inauspicious repute
NaJoPoMo, AEHill, 12 November 2012
AE Hill, Mabin-OGion Character of inauspicious repute Started conversation Nov 12, 2012
A Journal about writing The Prize:
Introduction, A87776059
The Prize, Section 1 – A Sort of Sordid History, A87776789
The Prize, Section 2 – A Not So Sordid History, A87776798
Yes, another day, finally.
My nose ran so fast I couldn’t catch my meeting with friends.
Having missed that meeting, I backed out of the pot-luck at the park.
Having backed out of the pot-luck without checking my rearview I hit on doing nothing of note.
Having hit on doing nothing, I fell down.
Having fallen, I did not get up again.
Depression can be a bugger.
Having fallen down, I did watch some TV.
The Comedy Channel was sick but I got a laugh out of the History Channel.
According to “The Men Who Built America” Henry Ford’s first production car was the Model A. Then he was able to make the Model T.
Flippen’ ‘round more channels, I heard one reporter suggest the new generation was illiterate in History. A bunch of them must be working for peanuts at the History Channel.
What is the world coming to? [Wow, that what my grandparents said]
I do hate getting old, but that started the day I was born.
I can better understand why some would want to just pull the plug on life.
Connecting back to The Prize, I changed nothing Sunday.
But “The Men Who Built America” also tried [my patience] to show some history of Edison with JP Morgan and Tesla with Westinghouse. That too, was so wrong that I almost laughed. Still, I did pick up on some new points that I will enjoy researching. Did Morgan blackmail Westinghouse into signing AC patents over to General Electric while at the same time booting Edison out of his own company? Then they had the verve to use the ex-president of GE to comment on how corrupt Morgan and the others were in those days.
Being a good cowboy, on my horse I go and off into a new day…
NaJoPoMo, AEHill, 12 November 2012
Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE) Posted Nov 12, 2012
[Amy P]
NaJoPoMo, AEHill, 12 November 2012
Peanut Posted Nov 13, 2012
Hey there cowboy
Are you going to be able to pick yourself up today?
I'm on my feet, just, feels like baby steps
Did you manage to follow up on the possible blackmailing of Westinghouse?
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NaJoPoMo, AEHill, 12 November 2012
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