This is a Journal entry by AE Hill, Mabin-OGion Character of inauspicious repute
NaJoPoMo, AEHill, 09 November 2012
AE Hill, Mabin-OGion Character of inauspicious repute Started conversation Nov 9, 2012
This journal is about writing a story,
A87776059 called “The Prize.”
A Nobel Laureate says some Bankers should go to jail.
Still, I had an empty feeling when Bernie Madoff was sentenced.
What Mitt did in business should also be considered fraud.
I think Ole Harvard taught Mitt how to steal, it too should be buried.
Too much blood is crimson. Too much power is too much.
The sky dropped a heavy rain for a few minutes, now it is quiet again.
It is the quiet that makes noise seem loud.
The noise made the quite seem loud.
I need some coffee.
NaJoPoMo, AEHill, 09 November 2012
Peanut Posted Nov 10, 2012
Hello AE I am still reading
I am enjoying keeping up with the prize and getting to know a little more about your daily life
NaJoPoMo, AEHill, 09 November 2012
AE Hill, Mabin-OGion Character of inauspicious repute Posted Nov 10, 2012
Okay, I did my job even if I disliked it.
I broke what I had written of The Prize into three sections; the Introduction, Section 1 – A Sort of Sordid History, and Section 2 – A Not So Sordid History.
I hope you all are happy now. [smiles]
I think I need to add some more sordidness to the not-so-sordid section.
If there is an “economic cliff” approaching as the press reports in the USA, the world should be on alert [as if they weren’t] to the calamitous possibilities.
[Okay peanut, the rest is just extra credit, not required reading. It just says it is time for a change.]
When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for people to dissolve the governmental binds which have served them, and to assume among the powers of the world of humanity, the separate and equal station to which the natural laws of all people entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of all people requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to create a new set of ethical economic conventions.
[double post, and hats off to the original Yankee Doodle Dandies, Jefferson, et. al ]
There are unalienable rights that all people are endowed with, among them are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
To secure these rights, Governments are instituted deriving just powers from the consent of the governed, to control an ethical economic set of conventions; but should any form of government become destructive of these ends, it is the right and duty of the people alter or abolish it, and institute new conventions founded on principles and powers in whatever form shall seem most likely to effect their unalienable rights.
Prudence dictates that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly experience has shown, that mankind is more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long history of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute authoritarianism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such governmental agency, and to provide new protections for their future security.
NaJoPoMo, AEHill, 09 November 2012
Peanut Posted Nov 10, 2012
there is going to be sordidness
seriously friend, there is no required reading going here
just me reading and enjoying, genuinely interested
in The prize and your daily life
NaJoPoMo, AEHill, 09 November 2012
AE Hill, Mabin-OGion Character of inauspicious repute Posted Nov 10, 2012
Oops, I meant to post to a new Journal entry, sorry.
But anyway, I am not at all happy with Section 2.
Having reread Section 2 after sleeping a few hours,
it seems to have a different style than the other two sections.
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NaJoPoMo, AEHill, 09 November 2012
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