This is a Journal entry by AE Hill, Mabin-OGion Character of inauspicious repute

NaJoPoMo, AEHill, 01 November 2012

Post 1

AE Hill, Mabin-OGion Character of inauspicious repute

This is a journal about writing the story called The Prize.

As a part of NaJOPOMo, I have committed to writing at lest one journal entry on h2g2 every day for the month of November. The rules are, there are no rules. I like no rules, so that is good… except that there is one exception [smiles]. It is the one exception that I liked lest of all the rules, rebel that I am. I was not found of the idea to write in my journal section of h2g2, but that was the whole idea, and that rule was explicitly not an absolute rule. I decided after reading much-to-do-over-the-subject that I would write a daily journal entry. That seemed quite doable to me. What was not so likeable was the facts that, one, they are not editable, and two, they are not format-able. Having pondered the situation, I eventually decided that nothing prevented me from writing The Prize as an entry on h2g2. This solution solved much, except for the one exception to the non-rules.

The exception to the non-rules was that each journal entry would be labeled with; one, “NaJoPoMo,” two, my name, and three, the date. I am sure this exception to the non-rules seemed innocent enough. But alas, my mind took exception to the one exception to the list of non-rules. My mind reasoned that my journal identified me by virtue of its location. I also understood that each journal entry is time stamped anyway. Oh well, nothing is perfect anyway [sadly]. And oh bye the way, one consolation is the fact a journal on h2g2 does have emoticons. [smiles]

At 06:30 on November First, and I awake with eager anticipation of the coming NaJoPoMo challenge. It is a brisk morning [well brisk relative to mornings in Hawaii] and my nose is running wildly. I do not have a cold, just some histamine reaction; probably to the cheap candy they sell at all the stores this time of year. Bright morning daylight seems to trigger my sneezing. I have brewed my daily allotment of one cup of fresh coffee. The coffee seems to help many things, not the least of which is this histamine reaction. Perhaps I will eat some breakfast later on, but for now I sip a small quantity of coffee after long breaks to write.

Why do I want to write anything, and then too, why would you want to be reading this journal? Well, to each his own; and while I cannot speak for you, I find that there are many motives that spark me on to this particular adventure.

Having identified eleven, we know there are more. Motivations are somewhat like waves on a lake coming from different spots on the shoreline. As the waves intersect, they add or subtract from each other. Unlike the lake where only a few waves intersect in any one place, many of my motivations have all come to intersect on The Prize. This aggregate convergence of energy turns a simple effect into a special phenomenon. Some would suggest that the “Bermuda Triangle” functions similarly. [smiles]

My eleven motivations are: one, The Nobel Prize has been in the news recently but that only reminds me of what I have seen as the injustice of that spectacle, two, Nikola Tesla, who is shunned by History and Nobel and yet gave more to humanity than most anyone I can name, three, Rosalind Franklin, my femme fatale and poster child for scientific ethics gone wrong. four, Madame Marie Curie my counter-example to many injustices, five, Quantum Mechanics that mind boggling set of assumptions to prove the absurd, six, the lack of ethic in Science, seven, the power of money, eight, how the brain works, nine, mob psychology, ten, propaganda, and eleven, weather Science as Sandy reminds me of how that branch of Science holds such great power over our future.

My literary process will utilize these motivations and the fodder of my previous research and notes to create The Prize, a story about the political intrigue that manipulates scientific integrity and the people who suffer.

NaJoPoMo, AEHill, 01 November 2012

Post 2

Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE)

[Amy P]

NaJoPoMo, AEHill, 01 November 2012

Post 3

AE Hill, Mabin-OGion Character of inauspicious repute

It is late on November First here.

I have created a new entry, A87776059 called The Prize.

AE smiley - cool

NaJoPoMo, AEHill, 01 November 2012

Post 4


Lovely entry.

Also good to read your journal!

NaJoPoMo, AEHill, 01 November 2012

Post 5

AE Hill, Mabin-OGion Character of inauspicious repute

Thank you Z!

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