This is a Journal entry by TimeFink

Getting serious

Post 1


Last time around I ran into h2g2 by mere accident after some rather undisciplined Internet Browsing. This time I rejoined the effort intentionally. I can't be active all the time, because when there is project work to do that is given absolute priority (How dumb? or boring?)

No! Project work is not boring at all and it consumes you more or less entirely ... But after completion there is is "time" again miraculously for new thought!

So after my rather vage and mushy scribblings of August it is now my first effort towards more concise writing. The first test shot will be on "Ergonomic Timing of Man Machine Interfaces". It will take some time to do this right and I'll find out how to do it - but once it's ready I will try to get it published for anybody (ready to use style)

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Getting serious

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