This is a Journal entry by TimeFink

De Origine

Post 1


Coming into life is always a sudden and unexpected event which is part of a surrounding smoothrunning process of those who want you or someone else or just anyone to be there to poke with.

So here I am now as of today which I didn't dream of this morning and before I ran into this h2g2-page for no real reason. I suppose I also will have no nightmares tomorrow.

Having existed now for at least the previous 6 lines my own process is stable enough now to stop writing pseudophilosophic gibberish and hence I'll do just that.

De Origine

Post 2


OK , got it!

A first welcome from Joanna (Princess of Darkness) , ACE
and Leazes, the fish in the wet tank ...

Nice to hear from you, Folks!

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