This is a Journal entry by annie_cambridge

Cambridge Film Festival 2011 - part 3

Post 1


Last three films:

Midnight in Paris:
Very enjoyable, put everybody in a good mood. Bit of a return to form for Woody Allen, and it's always nice to see beautiful shots of Paris. The lead (can't remember his name, sorry) does the Woody Allen voice, we weren't sure whether this was his idea, or whether he was directed to do it!

The Help:
I had really enjoyed the book (by Kathryn Stockett), about black maidservants in the southern US states, and the film was an excellent adaptation. Very moving, as well as funny in parts.

The Look:
Really interesting film about the actress Charlotte Rampling. A series of conversations between her and various different people (directors, artists etc), interspersed with clips from her back catalogue. Excellent, but a lot of 'talking heads' and I was feeling a bit tired by that stage on Sunday night, so would like to see it again.

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Cambridge Film Festival 2011 - part 3

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