This is a Journal entry by Auntie Prue

Sutton Hoo

Post 1

Auntie Prue

It was an Anglo-Saxon Special at Sutton Hoo this weekend, and we turned up to watch our daughter, who enjoys dressing up as an early English warrior (she is usually a Viking smiley - erm) - and taking part in pretend battles.

Sutton Hoo is always a delight to visit anyway - there is something special about the place. A walk out to the burial mounds - through woodland, with a beautiful view over Woodbridge and the river - is a great pleasure. smiley - magic

If any of you get a chance to attend any of Dr Sam Newton's lectures - followed by hearing his epitaph to King Raedwald, on top of his burial mound, do seize the opportunity. If you are lucky - he will accompany his rendition by strumming on his replica anglo-saxon harp.

Anyway - here is his website -

Perhaps I'll meet some of you on one of these special days sometime.

Sutton Hoo

Post 2


Sounds great fun, Prue!

Wuffing ...? No connection with yiffing, I hope? smiley - smiley

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