This is a Journal entry by Auntie Prue

Shaughraum and Carravagio

Post 1

Auntie Prue

Thank you Daily Telegraph. smiley - cheers

I managed to enter a successful Sudoku entry smiley - smiley - but failed to spot that the prize had changed smiley - sadface - but the DT gave me the theatre tickets I'd hoped for anyway smiley - ok

Off we went on a very hot Saturday smiley - run - no, not quite that fast, as it was scorching smiley - cool

"One" trains provide air conditioned carriages - so a comfey journey, then a steamier journey on the no 11 bus (excellent route) to Trafalgar Square.

The square looked most festive as there was an Indian bazaar/festival. PA systems belted out music, and dancers and drummers entertained the onlookers. There were exhibitions of the traditional crafts from many regions in India.

As they have pedestrianised the road outside the National Gallery, the whole area had the look of an Italian piazza.

By now it was even hotter, and we were delighted to spend the rest of the morning in the Sainsbury Wing of the Nat Gallery (air conditioned).

Was delighted to find that Carravagio had depicted the type of chair in The Supper at Emmeus, that I had bought last weekend, and that I had been trying to find a picture of on the internet to show a friend. Bought a postcard for her instead.

Delicious lunch in the restaurant, and ice cream in the square - the off to the theatre.

It, The Shaugraum, was a great show - a cross between a Victorian melodrama, a pantomime and Riverdance. Lots of booing, hissing and cheering to join in with. smiley - magic

Then home in time to catch Dr Who over a much needed smiley - ale

Happy end to the day, at about 10pm - when relaxing with feet up (doing yet another sudoku smiley - erm) when a head popped round the door - and one of our daughters appeared. She and hubby had been to Sutton Hoo, where there was a basket making get together (she makes and sells baskets for a hobby). They had gone on to Aldeburgh and Snape, and had dropped in for some lemonade on the way home.

smiley - hugs all round - and the perfect end to a wonderful day.

Shaughraum and Carravagio

Post 2


Sounds a lovely day Auntie.

I haven't been to London in yonks but when I do I always enjoy the touristy stuff - admiring landmarks and going to the galleries. The past couple of times Tate Modern has been declared the winner. Haven't yet been on the Eye, which is a must. Not sure if I can drag TomCat on as he is afraid of heights.

I've been getting into these Sudoku thingies recently. I can manage the Guardian 'easy' and 'medium' ones but haven't tackled any 'difficult' yet. Think I might buy a book of them to take on the plane to Thailand so I don't go mad through boredom. I'm not very good at sleeping on planes - too nervous - and I can bet that TomCat will drop off like a light immediately, just like he does in the car smiley - grr and I'll get in trouble if I prod him to wake him up "because I'm bored" smiley - winkeye

Glad you've had a perfect day. Hope the summer continues to provide many more smiley - cool

Cat x smiley - blackcat

Shaughraum and Carravagio

Post 3

Auntie Prue

Thanks Cat.

London Eye is something that I would like to do sometime too.

This weather is still going strong - too hot even for smiley - chocsmiley - sadface

I've been following your adventures of Tom Cat and Kitten - and wish all of you great joy of it all. IMO you have handled the whole situation amazingly well smiley - ok

Have fun in Thailand - the food alone should be gorgeous


Shaughraum and Carravagio

Post 4


Hi Cat

I can recommend Sudoku as a plane activity - I took the big one from the Indie with me on the plane to Canada, but couldn't find any there for the return journey smiley - sadface !

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