This is a Journal entry by Auntie Prue

An unexpectedly good day

Post 1

Auntie Prue

Weather forecast pretty dire for today, so I intended to go to the National Gallery today - but slightly twisted my one good ankle - so, decided to go another Saturday instead.

Bad start to the day when the paperboy delivered The Daily Mail smiley - erm am a Telegraph codework and crossword junky, so OH kindly returned unwanted newspaper to village post office, and returned with Telegraph. He also returned with freshly baked croissants for breakfast, and the suggestion that when we do go to the National Gallery, we should book up for a matinee in the afternoon, and make a day of it. Sounded good to me.

The sun came out, and stayed out. Dry all day - did all the washing that won't have to wait until Monday now, and sat outside on the swingseat reading. A neighbour popped round for a smiley - tea and a gossip. All washing dry - with no birds having pooed on it first!

To top it all, whilst doing some necessary tidying up, I found a stash of G & B almond smiley - choc that I had hidden (squirrel like) against a bad day - but which I had forgotten about. smiley - biggrin Who says you have to wait for a bad day, says I.smiley - winkeye

And there is still Dr Who and Casualty to look forward to!

Oh - and the ankle feels a lot better now too.

Have a good Sunday


An unexpectedly good day

Post 2


Hi Romola smiley - smiley

Sounds like a good day, and it sounds like you should add your brains to the quizes we've been running in the Sports part of c19. If you can do those crosswords you could probably set a devilish quiz up too!

Hope your Sunday is as good.

smiley - hug

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An unexpectedly good day

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