This is a Journal entry by Dusty Substances

Bugger all

Post 1

Dusty Substances

I've only filled this bit in because I am pissed off seeing the snotty 'this researcher hasn't bothered' stylee thingy.

I haven't been a researcher since 1987, and I am not doing it again now.

I think I am turning into a grumpy old woman. Dx

Bugger all

Post 2


Agreed D.
The tone is admonitory, the environment as user-friendly as the first PCs and the whole concept of "researchers" is twee in the extreme. Clearly some debunking to do here.

Bugger all

Post 3

DeeKay Bee

Dusty, at least you've shown that you care!

Have a good day yesterday? I noticed that someone else had their anniversary yesterday (can't remember who though), seems it's a very common (er, popular) date for a wedding.

My OH forgot BTW, didn't forget the date of the anniversary, just forgot what date it was yesterday!

I'm sure that revenge will be sweet ......

Bugger all

Post 4

Dusty Substances


Wednesday was rather fun! Embarrassment when I handed over a box of chox to N in the morning and he then handed me an envelope containing money to spend on jewellery! (oops). In my defence it is usually N that is embarrassed as he frequently forgets the whole thing! Meal out was great and I got texted half way through by someone at the Church Council meeting to say I'd been elected a Steward. I think Leoni's anniversary was the day before ours, she was married in the same year as N and I.

Yesterday (Thursday) not so good. Lost my legendary kewl in Diss the Tossas. One scabby willy, knockers and knickers reference to many. I am now the official Mustardland crabby old bag.

Do you have any revenge planned btw? I could lend you my 'going out with his friends on my 40th birthday' tantrum if it is of any use? Dx

Bugger all

Post 5

DeeKay Bee

Hi Dusty

What did you buy / are you buying?

Wednesday is an awkward day for us. L has a guitar lesson after school so it's after 4.30 when we get home, he has to eat fairly quickly as he has a swimming lesson at 7 so has to have digested his food. G gets home between 6 and 6.30 and goes straight out with L to swimming.

They got in towards 8 and I'd got it all set up really nicely, dinner laid out etc (nothing elaborate as we were eating late), G looked bemused and wandered out to sort himself out. He then came rushing back in and said 'it's the 20th isn't it' and started beating himself up about it. We decided that we'd do cards and stuff on 21st.

It's not really a big deal, if it had been another day I may have reacted more strongly, but Wednesdays are always a bit odd. If he forgets next year it will be a different matter, unless all the lessons have moved to Thurs.

Can I hold your tantrum in reserve?

Bugger all

Post 6



I think the whole idea of this place is that we are contributers to The Book: "The Hitchikers' Guide to the Galaxy" as conceived by Douglas Adams. Once you get your head round that you understand what the point of it all is. It took me a while and I don't think I'm there yet! So, if in the original series, "Mustardland" had been mentioned, Peter Jones may have read some of our contributions!

Does that make sense?

Eilis smiley - peacedove

Bugger all

Post 7

Dusty Substances

Eilis - I did understand the link to Hitchhiker, but for me it just adds to the sense of playing silly buggers. Which, as you know, I never do. (insert something ironically emoticonny here). Dx

Bugger all

Post 8

Dusty Substances

Sorry for the delay, DKB, as you may be aware I have been being obnoxious elsewhere.

No idea what I will buy. I shall see what takes my fancy on the day. N usually forgets, or when he remembers he is often so late home it is too late to do anything. I really sympathise! Do keep the tantrum until you need it - I have plenty more! Dx

Bugger all

Post 9


I hope your day goes well D. Can I tell you how I admire your stamina and resolve in the face of sometimes wilful lack of understanding (least said). I am 100% behind you, no make it 200%.

Bugger all

Post 10

Dusty Substances

Thank you for that Martine. Actually my stamina has evaporated, and I am sensing that it is time for me to shut up. But your support is understood and very welcome. Dx

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