This is a Journal entry by Dusty Substances

La Substances

Post 1

Dusty Substances

... awaiting the end of life as we know it, anticipating a huge muddle, expecting that she will laugh about it when/if she grows up.

La Substances

Post 2

dean volecape

hey there dusty,

I reckon Ina was right in her posting in the Bull, that we're collectively subversive enough to make the boards function the way we want them to.

time will tell I suppose.

but I really really don't want emoticons....


La Substances

Post 3


Hi Dusty.

It took me a while to understand which question mark was which? I nearly catpeed you.

La Substances

Post 4

Dusty Substances

I agree about the emoticons Dean. I think it will take some getting used to, and my real worry is the collateral damage with dear chums not surviving the change. Dx

La Substances

Post 5

Dusty Substances

Hi Martine - I think I'm losing me marbles .... what question marks?

As for catpeeing me ... wot larks! Dx

La Substances

Post 6

Dusty Substances

Actually Dean and Martine - how did you know I had posted something? I'm a bit dim about all this. Dx

La Substances

Post 7

Katy Tulip

Bookmark this page, Dusty - it shows all the posting in the journals by the 'Friends' of the ML Mustering Station, and has become like a kind of central mayo over here.


smiley - smiley Katy smiley - rose

La Substances

Post 8

Dusty Substances

Thanks Katy. I've not been here since about April so I've forgotten or not realised a great deal. I think I'm going to have to get my arse in gear** for this. Dx

** I think the gear in question may be black jeans and stilleto heeled boots, it's my current look, possibly because both items were available in the Tesco sale. I am a fashion icon natch.

La Substances

Post 9


Hello, Denise.

Just dropped in to say "hello".

Hope you don't mind the "peacedove" emoticon which I've commandeered!

Eilis smiley - peacedove

La Substances

Post 10

Dusty Substances

Hello, Denise.

Just dropped in to say "hello".

Hope you don't mind the "peacedove" emoticon which I've commandeered!

Eilis smiley - peacedove

Hi Eilis. For some reason I've not got the emoticons showing up! They must have heard ... Dx

La Substances

Post 11

Dusty Substances

Ah - I've got the emoticons now.

It was when I went via another route I didn't get them. Gawd isn't it confusing! Dx

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