This is a Journal entry by Kaptin Kipper- Kannot say the letter B U mean C Karky, Kettle, Kippling, King's Bollage Bainbridge
Touring for a living
Kaptin Kipper- Kannot say the letter B U mean C Karky, Kettle, Kippling, King's Bollage Bainbridge Started conversation Apr 7, 2005
Well as it says above touring for a living, in a bus with a circus and loads of driving, the unicycling and all that goes with a touring circus.
Oh did i mention it is a one man and his family circus, oh yes sorry, not one of your big tented heated seated circus's, no a tiny small petite little big top circus without the canvas, so when it rains we get wet, and so does everybody else, i will be writing my journey in due course, with bad spelling and grammer as an added effect as i cannot add video or the such.
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Touring for a living
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