This is a Journal entry by Barbara


Post 1



A Journal Entry

Nope, I've said that.

How about some questions - I'm sure the answers are here somewhere, but I haven't found my way around yet....

How do I upload a photo/avatar?

How do I change the colour of 'My Space' from Green?

How do I get a day's work done now that I have registered here?

Why has it taken me so long to discover this website??

smiley - magic



Post 2

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Hello... again! smiley - biggrin

I've left the avatar instructions in your ACE message.

The coding for changing the colour of your Personal Space will very likely become obsolete very shortly, so I have left that for now. Hopefully we will be able to do something about colouring our spaces when Barlesque has settled down smiley - ok

lil xx

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