This is a Journal entry by StainlessSteelRat

Summer in Montreal

Post 1


I didn't like seeing the somewhat snarky comments in this section so decided I would write something, and what better to write about than summertime in the greatest city in North America.
The weather has been not so great this year (some sun, lots of rain) but that hasn't stopped us from having another memorable time here. We just finished the International Jazz Festival and started the Just For Laughs comedy fest. I was at a show with my wife last night that was hilarious. It was called "Laughrodisiacs - The Relationship Show". Great comedy in a great venue - Club Soda. I got the tickets as an aniversary present for my wife and I as we both share the philosophy that laughter is the best turn on.
After the show we took a stroll along St. Catherine St. to check out all the American tourists taking advantage of their "muscular" dollars. I was again struck by the fact that we could walk down this street at 11:00 PM and not worry about a thing (except me getting caught by my wife as I scoped the women of Montreal - the most beautiful in the world; good thing she knows I think she is the most beautiful of all!)
Will end now as I hear my lazy teenage kids getting up and that means I have to put on my overseer's uniform and start cracking the whip.

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Summer in Montreal

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