This is a Journal entry by just this girl, you know
The Canadian language
just this girl, you know Started conversation Aug 9, 2000
Although most people know that Canadians speak English and/or French, few realize that we have a very common third language: Franglais. This comes from years of what many call "cereal box bilingualism" (caused by laws requiring both French and English to appear on product labels).
For those of us who are 'officially' bilingual, inserting words from the other language into our sentences is quite common (e.g. "My French improved once I was living in a francophone milieu." or "Qu'est-ce que vous avez fait ce weekend?") For those who are not considered bilingual, the 'other' language on product labels has given them a vocabularly that is native to Canada. Many people refer to their favorite cheddar as "old fort cheese" or even as "fromage cheese." Some use "clous nails" when making repairs to their homes. Every morning, these people pour their milk out of a "bec spout" and sprinkle "sucre sugar" on their cereal. They drive to work after filling up with "essence gas" and spend the day arguing with their co-workers about Quebec separatism.
You just can't help but love this country!
The Canadian language
Decaf Silicon Posted Aug 12, 2000
Say, is this an entry yet? I really suggest making it so, if not. (Hmm... stubbed myself in the linguistic toe, eh.) It has wit, and its nicely streamlined. Like the name too.
The Canadian language
just this girl, you know Posted Aug 14, 2000
"Gosh- thanks!" just this girl gushed excitedly, "Do you really think so? I mean, do you think its good enough for the GUIDE?"
She continued to smile but her brow wrinkled slightly, "I'm not sure I'm ready for such a big step."
in other words- thanks a heap! so wonderfully nice of you to say!
The Canadian language
NexusSeven Posted Sep 4, 2000
Yep. I agree with Pi; this *has* got the potential to be an Edited Entry. In my opinion, all you'd have to do would be to expand it a bit, write it up as a Guide entry, submit it to the Peer Review Page ( http://www, ) and see what our fellow researchers make of it.
Hey, if nothing else, the scouts, subs and other assorted helpful types will provide you with enough feedback to give you something to read during those inevitable lean spells on h2g2 (you know the ones I mean - when it's like you've got some kind of virtual illness or something, and all you ever see is 'no replies'... ).
The Canadian language
NexusSeven Posted Sep 4, 2000
D'oh! Made a bit of a mess of that link... here you go:
The Canadian language
just this girl, you know Posted Sep 5, 2000
Thanks. I'll think about adding to it- if I get inspired, I'll submit it.
I'm a bit nervous about school tomorrow- silly of me,I know- considering I've been going to school for last twenty years...I should be used to it by now.
Did you enjoy your M.A.?
Good night.
The Canadian language
NexusSeven Posted Sep 5, 2000
You'll be fine; admittedly, I have *no* grounds to base this statement upon, but hey, I would imagine that everything will be okay. No reason why not.
Personally speaking, I never did an MA, just a BA (Batchelor of the Arts) in English lit. The three years I spent at uni in London were the best three years of my life so far bar none.
Tell me how your first day went! Should I be jealous or sympathetic?
The Canadian language
just this girl, you know Posted Sep 6, 2000
'Twas okay- lots of standing in lines and going to different offices to get slips of paper, hand-in other slips of paper, and get other slips of paper signed. I screwed up my automated telephone course registration a bit, but will hopefully be able to fix things soon. Apart from my Faculty, which wants me to do everything in person, this university wants me to do everything over the phone. Everyone seems quite nice- but especially the automated telephone voices.
I have a few friends in the same program so at least I'm not alone. There are quite a few French-speaking students so I'll be able to keep up my second language. I have a thirty minute walk to the campus though and that will be tricky come winter. I also have to have readings done before every first class next week- yuck.
Sorry, thought you had an M.A. -my mistake. Don't know if you should be jealous...I probably wouldn't be able to get a job in my field (whatever my field is- I'm still not quite sure) if I didn't do my Masters- so I really didn't have much of a choice. Would you like to do an M.A. in Eng. Lit.?
Suppose I should start my readings...
The Canadian language
NexusSeven Posted Sep 6, 2000
A thirty-minute walk may seem like hardship, but it'll keep you fit and is *way* more interesting than commuting. Plus you'll be fully awake when you get there (probably).
Frankly, if I did an MA in Eng Lit, I'd hate it. 3 years was plenty, thanks very much. Plus, it would be of negligible benefit to me; the jobs that I would like to do wouldn't make any distinction between having a good degree or an okay MA. Well, to be honest, I'm not sure what my chosen field is either!
Reading before class... yes, I remember that. More often than not, I'd turn up for a seminar having read just a few pages of a book's introduction, or in extreme cases, glanced at the back of it. I'd then proceed in sabotaging the seminar by making semi-informed statements and questions that were (as it seemed to me at the time) pretty radical and intellectual, but in reality a little wide of the target.
Still, I got my degree, and I still read things now and then, which is a bonus. For ages I just couldn't read a thing because I was 'all read out'. Bummer. However, I'm well on the road to recovery, mainly thanks to working my way back through comic books and onto slightly more demanding literature.
Glad to hear that your enrolment or whatever went fairly smoothly - now you can get on with the serious business of messing around! [Of course, you kids out there, I'm not advocating a life of squandered moments, but by golly, it works for me!
The Canadian language
just this girl, you know Posted Sep 7, 2000
Well- I am set for school and my first class in Monday at 7pm. I just got back from Parliament Hill where I will be working part-time as Tour Guide- got my Security Pass (Access to the House of Commons Gym! Woo Hoo!) I worked as a Guide last summer- informing way too many tourists about the Canadian Parliamentary Process. Should be decent part-time job because I decide the hours and the pay is over$12/hour. I start next Wednesday and have tons to relearn about the the Parliament buildings.
I'm heading to Toronto for the weekend to go my old school's Homecoming (because I helped plan it last year) and see my boyfriend who will be returning from Hawaii tomorrow (must be nice...)
I totally know what you mean about faking that you've done your readings- don't think I can really get away with it here though because I know virtually nothing about the subjects I'm studying.
I should go pack, (wasn't I just unpacking?) but I hope you have a great weekend.
Take care,
Key: Complain about this post
The Canadian language
- 1: just this girl, you know (Aug 9, 2000)
- 2: Decaf Silicon (Aug 12, 2000)
- 3: just this girl, you know (Aug 14, 2000)
- 4: NexusSeven (Sep 4, 2000)
- 5: NexusSeven (Sep 4, 2000)
- 6: just this girl, you know (Sep 5, 2000)
- 7: NexusSeven (Sep 5, 2000)
- 8: just this girl, you know (Sep 6, 2000)
- 9: NexusSeven (Sep 6, 2000)
- 10: just this girl, you know (Sep 7, 2000)
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