This is a Journal entry by moo

Early Start

Post 1


Woke up at 7:00am today. I'm in training because I have to be up early every day next week, not looking forward to it. I am however looking forward to my date on Monday, can't stay out too late though, not unless I want to be dead on my feet on Tuesday. Plan for today is to carry on with my revision plan, which involves reading about soils, which is not my favourite area, but hey, it's got to be done. Then I think I'll have a wander round the city, see what I can see. I expect I'll fall asleep by 8:00 tonight, how I used to get up this early I don't know, but it certainly isn't agreeing with me. smiley - sleepy

Early Start

Post 2


Hi Moo, I'm impressed at you getting up early - just to get in training for next week !

I quite liked soils (in the dim and distant path when I did geography) - the applied bit about our effect on them etc (not so keen on the chemistry bits). Nothing like digging a soil pit in rain for a geography student..... or the pub afterwards smiley - biggrin

hope you have a good day studying


Early Start

Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

hi there Moo!

Love your homepage! and the personal greeting is just *freaky*!so /that's/ what you've been up to while not revising! Though I think it is a good thing to relax the brain from too much revising. I used to do it in short sharp bursts with mustarding in between to let the information sink in.

I think that h2g2 has the potential to be a lot of fun. Though different from ML, of course and I'm sure we'll all mourn the loss of the yellow pages once they're really gone.

ta ta for now

dd x

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