This is a Journal entry by shadowfax

Just Landed

Post 1


Nice blue/green planet, oxygen atmosphere, warmed by a G2 Yellow Dwarf. Seems pleasant enough so far . . .

Just Landed

Post 2


It's a fairly nice planet, but the inhabitants here have an annoying habit of making a big deal out of digital watches! --
Just wanted to drop by and compliment the page-- I like the quote too. I find it odd that I keep running into people online that, like myself, have had an interest in the Guide, and Lord of the RIngs at some point.- Anyhow, how long do you plan on staying on Earth?

Just Landed

Post 3


Hi Zarni,
Thanks for the encouraging comments. I plan to stay here quite a while now that I have discovered this site. I've entered into a couple of discussions, more for amusement than anything else! I'll have to find an interesting topic for my own home page. How do you find this site? Have you been around here long?

BCNU, shads

Just Landed

Post 4


By the way, I've been experimenting with HTML and have now got background music on my Home Page! It's a bit naff, but I'm looking for a better (non-copyrighted) midi to put there. Watch this space . .


Just Landed

Post 5



No, no, no, no. no.
Please don't change the music. It has a strangely attractive quality to it. We could do with more like it.
How very practical to bring your own mapping database.

Great page.

Just Landed

Post 6


Thanx plaguesville. Just for you I'll keep the music!

Liked your page too, though I must confess to not knowing Peter Jones was the Voice of the Book. Learn something new every day, that's the beauty of the net.

By the way, the link is easy to add. Just copy the following between the tags of your HTML or ML script, and change the description text and postcode to your own.

My place in the Universe


Anyway, nice to meet you plaguesville. Hope all your wanderings are happy ones,


Just Landed

Post 7


Thank you Shads for the info.

As an earthbound earthling whose opinion of "terra firma" is:
"the greater the firmer, the less the terror" and whose longest separation from the ground was the length of time it took to clear a four foot seven inch high jump bar, I have yet to embark seriously on the deep mysteries of ML etc.
I did have a tentative try, and have had offers of assistance - which I have stored up in my heart - and one day ..... The more I see of wondrous pages (as yours) the closer that day comes.

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