This is a Journal entry by bigalthefirst( patron saint of patron saints)

What is love

Post 1

bigalthefirst( patron saint of patron saints)

This is a true story:-

A GI had been in Japan during the war and whilst there he lived with a Japanese woman and had two children with her. He loved the Japanese woman very much. When he came home he did not tell his wife about this love.

Finally when he knew he was dying, he confessed to her the truth of the relationship and the children.

At first she was very upset. Then something within her began to stir and she worked and worked with her anguished feelings, finally before her husband died, she said " I will take care of them "

So she went to Japan, found the young woman and brought her and the two children back to the US. They made a home together and the wife did all she could to teach the young woman English, to get her a job, and to help with the children.

That's what love is.

Love BigAl

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