This is a Journal entry by Kyra

Verbosity and nonsense

Post 1


Well, hi! This is my first day here, as I've only just discovered this interesting website/organization. There certainly a lot of categories and a lot of information. I've perused a few of the topics and it looks to me that many items are either quite verbose (wordy, dear) or don't make any sense whatsoever. What do you think? smiley - smiley

Verbosity and nonsense

Post 2


Hi there... just read your journal entry... and me was wondering which entries you were talking about... were they Approved Guide Entries... just wondering... ~smile~

Verbosity and nonsense

Post 3


I was just looking through some of the discussions under Forum, I think. I haven't figured out this whole routine yet. When I wrote my initial journal entry, I (foolishly) thought it was only going to appear on my home page, not get posted to the general populace! Ee-gads! smiley - bigeyes When I tried to go back and delete my entry, I was not allowed to. Darn! So, I guess I might offend some readers when I did not intend to offend anyone. I apologize if you were offended. I'm really a very nice human.

Verbosity and nonsense

Post 4

Bald Bloke

You will have great difficultly offending us!
We are rather proud of our verbosity and nonsence around here we just occasionally intersperse it with (semi)serious articles and discussions.smiley - smiley

By the way the best way I have found to get to know this place is to click on other researchers names (which takes you to their home page) and see where they have been going and contributing to.

(thats how we found you)

Remember if its coloured its probably a link smiley - tongueout

Verbosity and nonsense

Post 5


No you didn't offend me... ~grin~... was just wondering that all... me guesses that some of things talked about on h2g2 do take a little getting used to... there is a lot of role playing... and fun... along with the more serious side... of course...

Verbosity and nonsense

Post 6


Unfortunately u will find that even the most accurate & informative
fora tend to degenerate after a while into gabble.....
Still,if you look hard enough you'll find interesting stuff...
Nice holistic theorising you think we're all string?

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