This is a Journal entry by Zeebledrox Oblivion Zoink-Narf

Difficulty Swallowing

Post 1

Zeebledrox Oblivion Zoink-Narf

No, it's not what it sounds like. After my last journal entry I decided to try and find the information I wanted myself and after searching many different places online I still haven't been able to come up with the answer. Just a little bit of advice: When using a search engine like don't put the word 'swallow' or 'swallows' in the search field. The end result: more hits on totally irrelavent websites (and I think you know what I mean) than you could possibly imagine. I even tried, you know that online encyclopedia, didn't work. All they had was something about there being a bajillion (ok maybe thats an over statement) different varieties of swallows. Anyway, I'm off to search some more. Hopefully I'll come across something useful.

Difficulty Swallowing

Post 2


I wish you the best of luck in your endeavor. I do find it hard to believe that you were actually shocked by the sorts of sites that showed up when you searched for "swallows"...

Difficulty Swallowing

Post 3

Zeebledrox Oblivion Zoink-Narf

Hey now, I take a fence to that. I even take offense too. I actually was shocked, not only at the content of the sites (and no i did not go exploring through them. Im not like that), I was also shocked my the number of "hits" that particular search topic came up with. And as for the searching to find the average airspeed velocity, I have given it up for the time being. My virgin eyes cant handle it anymore.

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