This is a Journal entry by Neesey-3PO

Eating in Jackson, MS, US

Post 1


One of the best buy/best quality restaurants around here is called Olde Tyme Delicatessen. It's located just off I-55 at the Northside East exit. As a matter of fact, when you take that exit, you will see the deli at the stoplight. It's a small, family-owned and operated, kosher deli. It's run by a nice olde Jewish man who is smart enough not to limit the menu only to dishes including matzo balls. You can find all sorts of sandiwiches (some with pork!), soups, salads, and baked potates.

My personal favorite is the Louisana gumbo. It is, quite possibly, the best recipe for gumbo I have found. And I know a good bit about Louisiana fare - I'm a native of East Feliciana Parish, LA. More than just a lot of black pepper, this dish is full of spices and fluffy rice that is never burnt.

Olde Tyme also contains an ab fab bakery. Try the shoe soles - they're wonderful. And while you're waiting to be rung up, wander aroud the grocery section. You'll find imported delicacies from all over the world. Marzipan from Morrocco, olives from Greece and Spain, vanilla beans and other flavorings from South America, etcetera, etcetera.

The final crowning glory of this place is the music. Several nights a week local musicians come and play for the dining elite. Music ranges from jazz to bluegrass to celtic. The schedule is not set in stone, so call ahead to find out when the music begins.

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Eating in Jackson, MS, US

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