This is a Journal entry by Zilch

Band attempts, etc.

Post 1


So, I started this "band," right? I mean, I figured, hey, lets get our intruments in the same place and time and JAM, dude, we can, like, groove and stuff. Boy, do I know nothing, or do I know nothing?
First off, there are different musical styles. So, me, the lead guitar guy, who is not even the mega-talent he should be for that position,
is trying to direct a handful of players with all kinds of different musical tastes. I am a rock and roll dude, or, at least I like to think so. Also, I really like blues, but I don't have the feel for that kind of playing, eh? And there's the otehr guitarist, pleying arpegiatted things, which sound cool, but it's hard to write riffs and stuff for someone else when all they do so far is open chords. And the our drummer. Don't try to teach a drummer bass. Ever. Our drummer? No set. Our singer works too often, I work to often, everyone's on vacation, it goes on.
Result: the music I write gets nowhere. Ir may or may not be good, depending on who hears it, if anyone at that.
If I just had a multi-track studio, or better yet, three clones and a drum machine. That would do it. Until one of us decides that we're cramping his style and decides to go solo. Grr.
Ignore this.

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Band attempts, etc.

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