This is a Journal entry by Barley

6/17/00 Joss and life

Post 1


My friends have once again inspired me. One of them has a band called Joss, they just came out with a new CD and i absoultely love it. I'm glad that I have people around me that make me realize that anything in life can be accomplished given enough heart and hard work smiley - smiley

On another note, today way soposed to be my wedding day. My old boyfirend and I broke up six months ago - and I will say that it was the best thing that could have happened to the both of us. It's amazing the things that people shut out of life in order to hold on to a 'type of life' that they believe they want. Life should be allowed to change, to reshape itself into new and wonderous things - if you resist it, your life is already over your not realy living. and that's what i've learned from loosing my best friend, my security, my assumed future and gaining my freedom to be who I am all of the time. I can happly say thank god i'm not a married person right now. maybe someday.......I'll keep you posted.

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6/17/00 Joss and life

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