This is a Journal entry by Fragilis - h2g2 Cured My Tabular Obsession


Post 1

Fragilis - h2g2 Cured My Tabular Obsession

I've complained quite openly here about my ex. I remain angry and frustrated with him, though I'm determined to be civil. I live in my own apartment now, and I've finally saved enough to get my own car. This will sever the last compulsory reason for us to see each other on a personal basis.

He and I also worked in the same department of the same company. This tiny department will be dissolved over the next couple of months, giving me a valid reason to find a place somewhere in the company where he isn't. He's been in training elsewhere for weeks, and I go to do the same after he returns. It's just possible we won't work together again.

Just at the point where I'm feeling my head is well and truly above water, he goes on vacation. He's visiting New Jersey and New York for a week and a half. It's a family reunion plus a fun trip for him. I'm taking care of his cat while he's gone.

Well, the most annoying peculiar and annoying thing has happened. I miss the lout. smiley - erm I'm not sure whether I'm exhibiting romanticism, codependence, or just plain bad judgment. If I could put this feeling into some sort of context, I would probably feel better about it. But I just can't. It's fathomless.

As far as I can tell, Joe is the same guy he was a couple of months ago when I deeply wished I could leave and never see him again. There are a few cosmetic changes I can detect, but not much more. So what's going on?


Post 2


You used to care for him a great deal and you had him around you a lot of the time; he was something you expected to be around you and now that he's not perhaps you miss the... erm... okay, looks like i've run out of words here... I guess its a little like when someone has died and you miss them, except he's still around although lots less


Post 3


You used to care for him a great deal and you had him around you a lot of the time; he was something you expected to be around you and now that he's not perhaps you miss the... erm... okay, looks like i've run out of words here... I guess its a little like when someone has died and you miss them, except he's still around although lots less


Post 4

Fragilis - h2g2 Cured My Tabular Obsession

I know what you mean about running out of words. That happens to me a lot lately. I did care for him a great deal, and to be entirely honest part of me still does. The other part of my mixed feelings, though, are amazingly negative. Maybe I do miss the.... I dunno. Company?

Nice dress, by the way. smiley - winkeye Love the knickers.


Post 5


This will probably sound wierd. And it will also sound as if I spend *far* too much time watching television, and, probably worse, speiding too much time thinking about it afterwards.... anyway... When Tasha Yar died on StarTrek: Next Generation, Data, who as the android had no emotions, still managed to miss Tasha, because his sensors were used to her input, and weren't getting it any more. Sommat like that. smiley - smiley Sort of company. Sort of not... I think you and I might be on the same wavelength here, but its times like this when I wish I could hear your voice...

Glad you like my dress... Tim Henman won today! I spent a terribly agonizing afternoon worrying about it, though... I thought if I watched the match I'd prolly jinx his chances but i didn't want not to know what was happening...


Post 6

Fragilis - h2g2 Cured My Tabular Obsession

We're thinking entirely the same thing, Joanna. And no, you don't sound like an over-avid watcher of television.

*wobbles around indeterminedly*

(in my best shipboard computer voice)
My sensory apparati seem to be missing regular stimulation. Commiting course correction to compensate...

*continues wobbling*

You know, I've always thought the quantum theory of contest and sports watching was rather odd. By that, I'm referring to the way people believe that their watching or not watching an event will effect the outcome. Strange stuff! smiley - winkeye


Post 7


*crewmember to other crewmember:* Looks like the computer can deal with this one itself. Monitoring for new developements...

Quantum Theory of sports watching... what a marvellous way to put it...smiley - smiley It could have an effect if I was actually in the crowd on Centre Court, though... no, really...smiley - winkeye I met a guy once who had a theory: because one's brain impulses are electrical, they interact with the world around you. Therefore if you think about it in the right way (and prolly are quite close to the machine, but there you go) you can affect the results of the lottery, by your brainwaves interacting with the balls. But certainly I seem to be able on occasion to curse players into serving double faults! smiley - winkeye (okay, so its probably a coincidence, stil...)


Post 8

Researcher 168814

Hi Fragilis,

I guess, that if you think a lot about yourself, you always come to the point where you think:"Perhaps I should have continued this or that" It doesn´t matter what it is, I think.

I got a divorce (I seperated five years ago) and I never looked back on her with the feeling "Oh perhaps this was wrong" If I had stuck to her, I would be lying in the big black box by now, I am sure. But if you´re releationship just was bad, and not near suicidal, than the feelings you mentioned seam quite normal - So it´s the checklist of the pro´s and con´s again, and see which side will win smiley - winkeye (I hope the right side!)


Post 9

Fragilis - h2g2 Cured My Tabular Obsession

Lying in the big black box? Heaven forbid, Engländer! I would never have met you...

And no, things were not to the suicidal point. Yet. I can't rule out that they might have gotten there eventually. Luckily, I felt no tremendous compulsion to stay in an unhealthy relationship.

Thanks for the thoughts. I've never tried a checklist of pro's and con's for a relationship, but maybe I should. It might give me a better view of things as they were.


Post 10

Researcher 168814

I´ve just been doing a little thinking about the pro´s and con´s list. There is one drawback to take into account. I would differenciate between emotional and factual pro´s and con´s. Like: "What do I feel about my friend at work, at home, in certain situations "
and questions as:"What neccessities keep me stuck here (car, s/he can make marvolous food, I´d be a terrible organizer, I´d loose my tvset...smiley - tongueout" on the other hand.

Isn´t it funny? I go off to tell other people what they could do to clear up some line of thought and find out I have to do that myself???

Perhaps that´s the normal thing about thinking like this...


Post 11

Fragilis - h2g2 Cured My Tabular Obsession

I think it is. I find myself doing that all the time.

For some reason, there are a few people in the world who see 'bisexual chick' and translate that into 'giver of advice on relationships and sex in general.' Over a period of time, I've answered enough of other people's questions to form a rather solid understanding of my own. (Obviously, this does not make me fool-proof in the love department.)

They say that the best way to solidify your understanding of a school subject is to teach what you know to other people. Perhaps this is no different. smiley - smiley


Post 12

Researcher 168814

Yes, but I sometimes thing it´s embarrassing...smiley - blush


Post 13

Researcher 168814

Sorry, I think, I think...smiley - blushsmiley - blush

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