This is a Journal entry by Gone again

Risk, blame and compensation

Post 1

Gone again

Nowadays there is a growing expectation that any misfortune is someone's fault, and thus subject to a claim for compensation. This attitude may have gone farther than you think. I recently heard someone on the radio explain how things that used to be considered 'acts of God' are now seen as being someone's fault. Even an unexpected thunder storm is the fault of the weather forecasters for not giving adequate warning....

This worries me: soon we shall not be able to obtain the professional services we used to take for granted, because the practitioners cannot afford the public liability insurance. Off-duty medical staff are strongly advised NOT to offer aid to an injured person, as they could be sued if something goes wrong.

We need to define 'one of those things' in a legal sense, so that a court can consider a particular case, and conclude (if appropriate) that no-one was at fault, and no compensation is due.

What do YOU think?

Risk, blame and compensation

Post 2

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

I see it as a downfall of society presently. I wonder if too many people did not learn consequences as a kid. People want to be free of government intrusion and have free choice, yet do this. Blame, sue, slander to get a few $. They do not deserve it and often have not taken personal responsibilty for their own actions . More lawsuits bring more laws, and less individual accountability , less freedom,NOT more.

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