This is a Journal entry by Marik, the Ankhman

The Rolling Recliner

Post 1

Marik, the Ankhman

I was sitting in Physics today and I had a flash of inspiration. I thought... why can't we make mobile recliners?

Imagine for a moment your typical La-Z-Boy recliner. Now imagine that it has somehow acquired wheels or treads or something to move it around. Now consider that it can be moved around via a hand-held remote-control unit that can be used when one is sitting in the chair. You could roll around on the recliner and never get up.

Options would include an automatic beer dispenser (operated by a pneumatic ram that fires the beer can from a refrigerated compartment below the chair to a point on the arm,) a flat-screen TV (for watching Monday Night Football,) and, of course, a small voodoo doll in the shape of a football referee.

More on this later, I must get to a choir rehearsal!


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The Rolling Recliner

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