This is a Journal entry by Marik, the Ankhman


Post 1

Marik, the Ankhman

Given: There is no such thing as a wrong opinion.

Therefore by logical analysis, one can assume that the only wrong thing is to not have an opinion in the first place.

Given: Impartiality or neutrality is the state of not having an opinion.

Therefore impartiality is bad.

Given: Indecision implies that you will make a decision (and thus have an opinion) sometime in the future.

Therefore indecision is not bad unless it results in impartiality.

So with all that said, I offer the following question:

If judges and juries are supposed to be impartial, then how can we have faith in our own judicial system? I certainly don't!

That's it, just some thoughts I was having... I must get to class now... l8r Marik

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