This is a Journal entry by Marik, the Ankhman

Marik listens to ska, breaks rules

Post 1

Marik, the Ankhman

May 30, Year 2000
2:52 PM

THE SITUATION: Marik is sitting in a computer lab at his high school listening to ska and writing his newest Journal entry. Of course, the people who are in the computer lab do not seem to be too appreciative of Marik listening to ska (even though it's only in headphones,) or the incessant sounds of the keyboard as Marik types out the entry.

THE ENTRY: Hello there. I've come to several very important conclusions today, all on this crazy, messed-up Tuesday. One is that people are stupid. Another is that I need to find some other way to write these entries besides hanging around in a computer lab after school... (maybe i should do these things at home!) And the last is that SKA is great. I shall elaborate on the last point. I'm sitting here in the computer lab with two internet windows open. One is playing songs by the Hippos (a ska band,) and the other, of course, is open to allow me to write this. The computers in the lab here have headphones connected to them, allowing me to listen to ska without bothering the other occupants of the lab.

So thus, I can listen to the Hippos without bothering anyone. I love ska. It's inexplicable, really. Ska is just fun music to listen to. Rock music with a horn section is cool!

I can elaborate, but the bell is about to ring and I have a bus to catch. So PEACE OUT till next time,


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Marik listens to ska, breaks rules

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