This is a Journal entry by AFGNCAAP (or, by popular demand, Afgahn Cap")

au revoir!

Post 1

AFGNCAAP (or, by popular demand, Afgahn Cap")

I am writing this entry from a 10mins-to-£1 internet machine at the airport before I start my trip to paris!
I wont be on for a while, but if ANYONE is on right now, is a (spelt wrong) "croque monsiour" a type of grilled cheese sandwich?
smiley - cool

au revoir!

Post 2

AFGNCAAP (or, by popular demand, Afgahn Cap")

I'm writing this in the heart of paris on another machine of the aforementioned variety, and a croque monsouoiuoiuiour is a cooked cheese and ham sandwich, with the cheese on the outside. I've climbed the Eiffel tower, seen the mona lisa and and looking foreward to an upcoming dali exhibit. If anyone knows some must-sees, feel free to post here. smiley - cool

au revoir!

Post 3


The cheese is on the outside????

That's weird

au revoir!

Post 4

AFGNCAAP (or, by popular demand, Afgahn Cap")

I know. smiley - weird
I've come back now, but when I was there I ate many meals containing cheese, such as cheese fondue. smiley - tongueout

au revoir!

Post 5

AFGNCAAP (or, by popular demand, Afgahn Cap")

I have looked at your personal space, and a can tell you are a man who really knows his fungi.

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