This is a Journal entry by AFGNCAAP (or, by popular demand, Afgahn Cap")

A new hope

Post 1

AFGNCAAP (or, by popular demand, Afgahn Cap")

During a conversation with Granbull, we deduced the possible existance of an ancient species, possibly hunted down by dodos.

We do not know whether they are friendly or hostile as of yet, but they are said to have built the pyramids, the standing stones at avebury and invented to paperclip!
Hopefully some of you will have heard of the Wombles. You might even know the song:

smiley - musicalnote underground, overground, wombling free! The wombles of Wimbledon Common are we... smiley - musicalnote

Pause for thought. If in Wimbledon there are Wombles, it follows that in Wombleton there must be the ever elusive...
...Wimbles? smiley - weird

A new hope

Post 2

Granbull-God of the Winds, its People and Drinks!


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