This is a Journal entry by fallingnightmare
help me
fallingnightmare Started conversation Jan 12, 2005
Some one tell me the meaning of living on this earth and please I don’t want to hear it’s about population and God and stuff like I want the scenario that God didn’t exist and the world has enough new people. What does one life out of millions mean? I mean it hurts to be invisible the people here will never really know what or who they are really talking to unless they take the time to get to know them. Is this world as pathetic as it seems to be? Where is the silverlineing I want to see it but I cant I don’t understand no one does is there something greater out there that could have to do with our planet. I mean what if our planet is like one big field and we are the harvest and we get killed and eaten like cows I mean do you ever to take the time out of the day just to think about all the good things and bad things and other do you just scurry on with your life being careless and does what it takes to get to the top. Is that all life is? I mean we all do the same thing as the next person what is happening to our civilization is there any help we can get. Are we going to all perish because we didn’t give the time to look at something. Do you think it is not important to look at the big picture when you look at your small problems are they as bad as other peoples? I just want help I want to know if I am the only one who thinks it is bad what is happening to this Earth and that this is one just vast waste land with no help at all and were all doomed to die with nothing important. I mean is the only important thing is to get married see famous things and people and get to the top. I want to know if there are other people who have lives that walk all the time misunderstood and everyone just pushes them to the side and that they are invisible and they may have friends but they are just there because they are using you to get things. Who builds walls up to block out everything real and does want to be cold and doesn’t want to do the same thing as every one else and run a course so different it shouldn’t compare to anyone else’s and if that is the reason we were put on Earth then there is a problem on this planet on which we are all doomed to find a mate and obsess over them and then some one new and get divorced and live lives of everyone we are doomed to emptiness that was the problem with everyone of us we are bored of everything we all end up the same way we all live the same way. Emily Dickenson she became recluse made food for children and lowered baskets and poems to them and then she wore all white her father was in politics and she hated it and she never went out at all and no one came she was later discovered after her death and her father was very sad to know she never spoke her mind as well in the poems they aren’t even sure the exact time she died because she was all alone and she didn’t really want to be disturbed. That is different even if it is over a lost husband. That is different and looks at the accomplishments. I mean if we all do extremely different stuff then this world would be known for quality but till then it is not and no one is really that different from the other person and the few who are different and feel different and feel that they is more and they are searching please write to me I don’t want to be the only one. Look past everyday things and open your eyes please don’t look away we all need help I just want to understand and I want other people to understand me I want to live a life to be called my own. Please end this chaos and havoc of boringness talk to me about this. I need to know this is what I need and this is what other people need I shouldn’t be the only broken person walking around school with a fake smile always firmly planted on my face. This needs help and no one is trying I am and I hope a few read this and respond please I don’t care if it is negative or positive I want to know I am not the only one out there always in pain I bet everyone pains everyday every second. Everyone has a deep problem and that is there like an infected soar that won’t go away and I need to have help and understanding the older adults are the zombies please don’t pass the tradition walls and hate can sometimes be the best strength we can all learn people need to be open everyone. Respond don’t take this sitting down don’t let this planet go down as a loosing battle we all need some one but the pain and grieve keeps us going and you may not notice it but every one is bleeding pain is not physically only mentally when you get headaches it hurts worst that a open wound. Why everyone does has to be so blind and judgmental. No one bothers to see past the boundaries make this end. No more of all of this help us all just stop looking at you only do you know how many people you hurt a day with out meaning to? What if all the popular kids went to nobodies and then everyone wanted to be themselves and not care about anybody but the power of keeping individuality alive. I know I am not alone please don’t sit stand up take the stand and talk we are here for you we support you. Don’t die the live you could lead.
help me
bigbear Posted Jan 13, 2005
no one can tell you the meaning of this life, you have to find it inside you. It's different for everyone but if you take time out to find out what you want, what your strengths and weaknesses are, then you can make a plan that suits you to get what you want. it's not easy, but it's not impossibly difficult either. take some time to think about it and be honest, never underestimate too harshly or overestimate too wildly.
Don't try to define yourself by how others see (or don't see) you. Keep your mind on what you want out of life and not what others have got. You're in control of certain things in your life, there are a lot of things you are not in control of. there's f**k all you can do about the things you're not in control of so get over them and concentrate on working out what you can do and seek advice on how you can achieve a realistic goal. Once you start on that path you will be unstoppable in life. Imagine yourself in ten, twenty years time being pretty much exactly where you want to be, looking back on the period of life you're in now.
whatever you do, whoever you are is never either as brilliant or as pathetic as you feel it might be. don't try to conform but also don't internalise things and don't deliberately hide-away from society - find where you're most comfortable.
Become interested in people. Listen, force yourself if you have to at first, they will think you're a great conversationalist even if you're just pretending to show an interest at first. They may even tell you things that you never thought possible.
not everyone is at 'the top' although a lot of people try. we all have different rates of development, keep your mind on what you want, reward yourself for progresses made, don't become dispirited at any set-backs. pick yourself up, dust yourself down and plough on.
I'm rooting for you, don't let me down.
big bear
help me
fallingnightmare Posted Jan 13, 2005
Thanks it means so much to me that you encouage me like that. I just needed something like that. All lot has driven me to this state I want to get out of but I really cant seem to bring myself to it. You really bring up many good points I always am interested about many things and I guess life is the best one because there is so much to be unanswered and so much to be understood. I guess I am just staring at the too big of picture and I really need to stop. I have come to see lots of people that write really have it take out lots of pain and I cant seem to write good lately so I guess that is why all my pain is being held in I am glad that you responded. I am glad you are understanding where I live not many people are and well like I said a whole lot has gone down hill but I am starting to fix everything but I still cant come up with good writing ideas the sadness but its all good. I hope everything is going your way and your understanding . . . . just let me say thank you once again.
help me
bigbear Posted Jan 14, 2005
if ever you want to talk, i am always here to listen.
try not to get hung up on 'good' writing just keep writing. from what i understand it is a very, very long process to write something 'good' in a commercial or artistic sense, partly because it needs to conform with a group consensus of what is praiseworthy and 'original' (rather ironically). All of the writing, personal writing, that it takes to get up that point is helpful if you just let it flow, don't expect to be able to produce it straightaway, it's a craft as well as an art - i liken it to sport, for example jonny wilkinson knows he has a talent for rugby but applies himself every single day over many years for those magical moments he produces that pass-by in a second. Probably a bad example but you get the idea.
ok, although i don't know specifically what you're going thro i can empathise with your situation, sounds painfully familiar to me.
good luck!
help me
fallingnightmare Posted Jan 16, 2005
Thanks you know it just seems odd that people in this world care and others dont I mean other could be so cold and the so warm this world is so messed up I wonder if God looks down sometimes and shakes his head saying I wonder where I went wrong. Yeah I am going through a lot of crap I really dont want to put up with and it is breakin me down this is why I posted I guess I am okay saying I am breaking down I dont want to entirely say it though no matter how true and to the point it is. You know it is werid I dont know but I just dont want to click with anyone anymore I mean friend wise and ect. It just seems one big headache and nothing works out right. I know I have a few good friends but if you ask me I really dont want to get anymore all the people I like well that is down hill I feel so hated and then people mock me about how cold I am and how I am 'freaky' as one guy said so you know I really dont care about them they just havent understood the concept of how messed up this life can really get to one person. You know this is my worst year since umm I think 1 and 2 grade and its really not getting better. I am sorry to impose and tell you my problems I feel my life is more like a book than what I think I think I could make a best seller and tear jerker but the only sad thing about it, it being a tragedy is that it is an true life story of me stuggling to find the meaning of life. So I really dont want to burden you with my problems it really hurts deep inside and I am bleeding down in my heart and I cant figure out why I cant understand anything anymore I feel like a social reject I am invisble people walk by me and I can be in my class room for the whole period and no one will know I am there. I t really hurts I dont like to think about it even though it happens everyday and this world needs to be changed but I think it way to far gone. I am willing to listen to any of your problems too, if you want to talk about them.
help me
Elwyn_Centauri, geAt (O+ THS) Posted Jan 16, 2005
Op! I'm sticking my long obtrusive beak into this discussion... sincerely apologies but um you don't really have a choice anyway so bear (ha ha) with me 'cause i need help.
my writing drives me up the walls. it's a large story. I'm not tooo bad at listening either so seek me, i've got time on my hands as well as a passion to
(just ignore this laughing maniac called elwyn's post if you wish)
help me
bigbear Posted Jan 16, 2005
thanks for the offer of listening to my problems, it does help sometimes, the comfort of strangers.
the 'not wanting to click with new friends' thing is a natural withdrawal mechanism - in fact, the older you get the less friends you need - but make sure you're not doing this as a protection mechanism. Withdrawal can be a sign of depression, if you feel you may be suffering from depression go to your doctor or see a counsellor, they can help tremendously but you have to want a helping hand. believe me, once you get over the uncomfortableness of it all a good counsellor can be worth their weight in gold.
you know you don't have to value yourself by the attention or opinions you receive from others. if you want to alter the way people perceive you first you must understand yourself before you can then present that person in the best way possible. Comments like the guy who said you were 'freaky' shouldn't be taken to heart - sh*t if i listened to what people have said to me before i'd never go out the house! F**k them, that's their opinion (it might not even really be there opinion just a daft comment, blokes don't always say what they mean) I don't think you're freaky in the slightest.
make peace with yourself first, take time out - you don't have to get away somewhere, sometimes it helps having a new environment around, sometimes people travel somewhere hoping they'll change cos the surroundings they are in are different, they seem to forget that wherever they go, they are still there.
have you wondered why is it so important to you to write a book? is it driven more out of a desire to be noticed, read and appreciated? think about why you might crave these things. what does it matter to you what people think of you? is there something in your past or present that triggers this need? be your own best friend, what would you advise yourself?
you're not burdening me with your problems, it's cathartic for me too. i have no answers for you, but i can send strength to you whilst you work it out for yourself. keep writing.
help me
fallingnightmare Posted Jan 16, 2005
Thanks I dont know why I want a book published so badly I think it is the fact that I want to accomplish something in my life I really dont want to sit around and not finsh anything and just let it go. I think I might have depression I am not sure I might have other stuff I really dont want to think about it. I just need to get away for a long time. I just want to make this like were not strangers anymore my real name is Ashley and I am still in school I dont live in England though but by yoiu typing ways I am pretty sure you are... I just am glad to know you are there you must really happy that you are helping someone I know I feel better when I help people....... I am glad that someone cares not many do and your advise really helps I cant get an counsler to much money for the starters but I know I proberly need one. I read some where that mental problems start with tramatized childhoods and make teenage years very terrible and the rest of there lives and I had a odd, bad and scary childhood that I really dont like to talk about it hurts and I hope you understand. I can help some with your problems I read on your homepage your still tring what to do with your life you know you should try everything possible before just giving up obbessions help too if you have one and it can be made into a job I want to give the vibe that I am always here to help as much as I can. It is just so good know that people are out there and care it is a reusering feeling in this world that there is hope. Thank you for everything.
help me
bigbear Posted Jan 17, 2005
Thank you for your advice Ashley, i do feel like i've tried pretty much everything but achieved pretty much nothing substantial other than help rich people get richer, or sell people things they probably don't need. After reading your comments i feel inspired to do something i really do enjoy, and that's making a difference to people's lives. you really don't have to talk about anything you aren't ready to, do you have no free medical care or counselling facilities at all? It's not always necessary but can be helpful.
Wishing you well Ashley, sending you all the strength in the world.
help me
fallingnightmare Posted Jan 17, 2005
Thanks, well I thought after you helped me with all that I should at least help you some if you really enjoy councling (sorry for spelling) then you should try it in a newspaper add or article first and then work your way up. You really have a nack for it I am not sure if you truely enjoy if you do you should think about do you know how much you have helped me? Well a lot a whole lot. And I dont think so about the medical coverage it is okay I am going to work it out if not and it gets worst I will let you know unless I am locked up but I highly doubt that may happen. So I feel different now that I am looking in the world as a different way I have to look at it as there are two sides just not one and I am singled out. I truely hope you find what the world has to offer you in way that could make the rest of you life here nice and comfterable instead of aquward. (again do not spell rather good sorry for that and grammer too.)
help me
bigbear Posted Jan 18, 2005
elwyn? how come i missed your post earlier? maybe you posted yours whilst i was writing my reply to ashley.
anyway, better late than never! What's up?
Key: Complain about this post
help me
- 1: fallingnightmare (Jan 12, 2005)
- 2: bigbear (Jan 13, 2005)
- 3: fallingnightmare (Jan 13, 2005)
- 4: bigbear (Jan 14, 2005)
- 5: fallingnightmare (Jan 16, 2005)
- 6: Elwyn_Centauri, geAt (O+ THS) (Jan 16, 2005)
- 7: bigbear (Jan 16, 2005)
- 8: fallingnightmare (Jan 16, 2005)
- 9: bigbear (Jan 17, 2005)
- 10: fallingnightmare (Jan 17, 2005)
- 11: bigbear (Jan 18, 2005)
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