This is a Journal entry by Quadrapop on h2g2
Art Gallery of NSW
Quadrapop on h2g2 Started conversation Jul 26, 2001
Yesterday we went to visit the 'Renoir to Picasso' exhibition at the Art Gallery of NSW. This consisted of some of the works from the Musee de l'Orangerie, Paris
As expected it was fairly crowded as the Exhibition only runs till this coming Sunday.
Luckily we got our son to sleep in his stroller before we got into the Gallery so we had arelatively peaceful time.
It was interesting looking at the paintings I had studied at University so long ago and without getting to see the originals! Oh, the life of a colonial...
We decided that of the artisits included Cezanne and Picasso were our favourites and Renoir and Rousseau our least favourite. I was sad that there were no Braques to compare with the few Picassos from the 1910's, though the NSW gallery has a few in its permanent collection.
I'm going to take C there again sometime soon so that we can go over other parts of the Gallery in more detail.
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Art Gallery of NSW
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