This is a Journal entry by Shirps
Our Kitchen Part 5
Shirps Started conversation Mar 16, 2005
16 Mar 2005
OK, next stage: the cooker is due to arrive this Sunday. A few weeks ago we called in to the vinyl shop, chose the vinyl & the man said come in a couple of days before you want it laid So, we have continued with work & the extractor fan is fitted. My husband has nearly finished painting the walls.
We called into the vinyl shop on Monday & he duly came out to measure up last night, but ...... can't fit it this week ... not sure, maybe next Tuesday - will ring in the morning.
This morning he rings & yes, 10.30 next Tuesday We have nowhere to store the cooker - the lounge is full of the kitchen units, which can't be fitted till the vinyl is laid. See the consternation?
Rang the kitchen store: can we postpone the cooker arrival, are we too late to postpone? The first reply was: ... but you've cancelled the cooker. NOOOOOO! We cancelled the extractor fan & got it from somewhere else, and then we had to change the model of the cooker to gas from electric. She replied: Hold on ... ah yes, that's
we can deliver on ......
5th April.
As it works out it means we can take our time & begin fitting the units, so there will be space to actually bring the cooker through the house. All's well that (WILL) end well
Meanwhile I'm still coughing & sneezing well, I also haven't been able to manouver the furniture around to checkout my printer - which won't print. I'm keeping positive, happy &
Our Kitchen Part 5
kif Posted Mar 17, 2005
I wonder does anyone ever get from dealers exactly what they ordered at the time they were told they would get it, in the condition they expected and is there such a thibg as a stress free ordering service?
When I feel a bit sorry for my self I pop onto hootoo and realise I am not alone. I am glad you are keeping calm Shirps, I would have been very with the sales people and probably have cried a lot
Did you find Rescue Remedy any good?,The Boss also uses lavender gel on her knees which helps the arthritis quite a bit. Do you know of it?If nothing else it smells really nice
Our Kitchen Part 5
Shirps Posted Mar 17, 2005
Hiya Kif again
My daughter ordered some flowers for my birthday, so they arrived a day early, but they were really beautiful - they were from Jersey?guernsey -
can't quite remember - but knowing her she ordered them on the net. So next time, eh?
The main store we got the kitchen from are really being quite good - it's the "tradesmen", you know: electrics, builders, etc., that have let us down. The vinyl fiasco was really annoying as he'd said only 2 days notice & it ends up a week, if we had known we'd have gone in last week But hey, not to worry
Gulp, I'm afraid I haven't tried the Rescue Remedy, but am taking a course of multi-vits, which seem to be helping a bit - I'm getting a bit more energy back - the cough comes & goes, but I think is improving - thanks anyway. Not keen on lavender smell - reminds me of my gran , but I've been using some incense sticks around the place. I don't think all the dust has been helping either
D'you know, I think just about everyone "suffers" in one way or another, but it's never as bad as someone else
Our Kitchen Part 5
kif Posted Apr 19, 2005
Hi Shirps,
I hope you are O.K. I haven't seen you around hootoo for a while and thought I would pop in and say hallo
Take care
Our Kitchen Part 5
Shirps Posted Apr 19, 2005
Hi Kif
Been in & out, as it were, must get round to putting a few more posts in my journal - fair bit to catch up on - hope to soon - other "work" taking precedence.
I'm not saying any more to you now , think you'll find I've said a bit on another post.
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Our Kitchen Part 5
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