This is a Journal entry by Shirps
Somewhat Late Post
Shirps Started conversation Mar 3, 2005
3 Mar 2005
The post arrived this morning, as usual. In amongst the trivia was an envelope addressed to myself & husband - quite normal? Well, not quite: the envelope was date stamped the 17th of December We wondered where the missive had come from - Australia maybe, the Arctic perhaps - it had obviously take so long to reach us
that it must have been posted in the wilds of some distant country.
On opening the said envelope we found a christmas card sent from a couple who live in the same town as us
It reminded us of when we had a holiday in Egypt. We were on a Nile cruise and had spent a whole afternoon writing postcards to relatives & friends at home. We duly stamped them with the correct postage & put them in the postage box at the reception of the boat. the box was situated on the side of the boat - there was a sign saying "POST" & staff saw us putting the cards in there.
Not one of those cards was ever received by anyone at home - not even the one we sent ourselves
We suppose they are lying at the bottom of the Nile & in thousands of years time they will be found ...
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